About Us

The Moot Alumni Association of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (the “MAA”) was established in 1997 during the 3rd Willem C. Vis Moot Competition in Vienna. The MAA started with a handful of academics, students, and professionals and has expanded to over 5,000 members and continues to grow every year.

The purpose of the establishment of the MAA is to form an association to promote the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (“Vis Moot”) and the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot (“Vis East”) and to achieve its goals of educating the general public on the topics of international arbitration and international trade law.

The MAA also preserves and strengthens ties among former, current, and future participants (students, academics and professionals alike) of the Vis Moot and Vis East worldwide, establishing an international network that facilitates the continuing exchange of professional, social, and cultural experiences amongst members.

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